Wales | 2 More Sleeps!

Wales Packing!Here at the YLF office we are now packing for our adventure! We have got items from board games and footballs to films and snacks for our free time at the centre.

Charlotte has been checking the weather forecast for the weekend and it isn't supposed to rain too much which is great, let’s hope it stays that way too! Lucy is trying to improve her Welsh accent, which if we're honest, isn't going too great as the more she tries the worse it gets! :-)

The young people are all getting really excited now and ringing regularly to update us with how they are preparing. Ronnie has rung in and told us how he has already got his dragon onesie packed!

We are all stupidly excited for Saturday….Only 2 more sleeps!!! Rock on!!!

“I can’t wait to get going with the adventure. I think the young people are going to love it there!” Lucy, Positive Activities Coordinator