YLF Friends

YLF friends give as little as £2 per month to support our young people

£2 a month

Start a disadvantaged young person’s journey with an initial first meeting with a volunteer to set and work towards achievable personal goals. Give them something to be proud about.

£5 a month

A vulnerable young person and their volunteer can spend the day enjoying a new experience in the community – increasing the young person’s confidence and changing their outlook on life.

£10 a month

Socially excluded young people can go ice skating together in a group, sharing in a new experience with friends, developing new skills and having fun.

£20 a month

A disadvantaged young person can go on a three-night summer activity camp with a group – an experience they’ve never had before – a holiday, friendship building, memories and MAGIC!

Our Friends

You can support YLF in an easy and affordable way throughout the year, meaning we can plan ahead, continue to support vulnerable young people in Kent and give them opportunities to thrive.

As a monthly donor you become a friend of YLF, receiving VIP treatment with 100% of your donation supporting the development of our projects and programmes.

Could you become a friend for the cost of a coffee?

Become a Friend Today

Sign up today, or download our leaflet to share with others

“It’s special knowing that the little amount I give each month goes a long way to helping the future of a local young person.” YLF Friend

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More Information

If you would like more information about becoming a friend today, please contact Fundraising@ylf.org.uk or 01622 693459

Thank you!

What Next?

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Make a Donation

Make a one off donation online today

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Take a look at our events you can get involved with

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Find out about our volunteering opportunities