
This year YLF aim to raise over £600,000 to enable us to continue meeting the demand for our programmes.

Fundraising for YLF

Fundraising for YLF is a fun and gratifying way of supporting our work. We need your support to help us change lives.

Be it as an individual or in a team, there have been many ways in which people have supported and fundraised for us.

We help you to prepare for and promote your challenge and have a team who will be dedicated to supporting you throughout your fundraising journey. We cannot wait to hear from you!

Our Fundraising Promise

We value the support and commitment our fundraisers give and in return we want to show our appreciation to you. We promise:

  • To be clear, honest and open about what we do and how fundraised money is spent
  • To get your consent when obtaining personal data or photos, protect these and not pass them on
  • To be respectful, adapt our approach depending on your needs and never pressurise you to do more
  • To provide you with a named staff member to support you throughout your fundraising journey
  • To comply with the law as it applies to charities and fundraising

Fundraising Regulator

We are registered with The Fundraising Regulator and agree to abide by charity and fundraising laws and comply with fundraising standards.

This means we are open, honest and use your fundraised money exactly how we say we will. We even give you the choice of selecting a particular project you would like your money put towards if you want to.

Gift Aid

Gift aiding your donation means it will be worth 25% more to us at no additional cost to you. Gift Aid is a scheme operated by HM Revenue and Customs allowing charities to claim the basic rate tax on a donation made by a UK taxpayer.

Gift Aid is automatically claimed through our direct online donation form and through any individual YLF fundraising pages. Other donations can be gift aided by completing a Gift Aid Declaration. Please send completed forms to our YLF office.

What Next?

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Asset 3


See what events you can join in with

Asset 41

Our Stories

Hear the stories from young people who we have supported