Time To Grow

Support YLF's spring campaign to help give young people Time to Grow...

We need to continue to support the young people in Kent with our mentoring services. Demand is high with 250 young people on our waiting lists but we are losing funding and need to make up this deficit. Our aim is to raise £20,000! Can you help?

£15 covers a young person’s first meeting in a mentoring arrangement, meeting their volunteer and agreeing goals that will change the direction of their life

We match our volunteer mentors with a disadvantaged young people either in the community or in school on a 6-month arrangement. These young people have been referred to us via social services, school, or carers for a number of reasons such as lack of confidence, bullying or difficulties at home.

Once a week in their session our volunteers offer motivation, guidance, and encouragement to reach an agreed set of goals such as improving school attendance or improving relationships at home.

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“Thankyou for everything you have done. Thankyou for listening to me and spending time with me. I am so grateful for your help. You have brought me outside of my shell and helped me to speak up. Thankyou for excepting me for who I am.” – Young Person

“Im so proud of her, she has done so well. I have seen a change in her confidence. She now enjoys going to school and her cadet group.” – Volunteer Mentor

“Without my mentor i would probably still be a mess. she gave me the chance to sort my life out.” – Young Person

£30 pays for a young person in care and their mentor to go bowling and spend some quality time bonding, with a YLF volunteer that motivates them to fulfil their potential

£500 pays for a 6 months mentoring arrangement for a young person that is having difficultly at home or at school, to provide them with the skills to overcome their problems and succeed independently thereafter

It could be that one meeting that makes all the difference in a young person life

Help us raise £20,000 to keep our mentoring service going and to continue supporting our young people with the #TimetoGrow.

Donate by Text

*Text T2GROW to:

70201 to donate £1
70331 to donate £3
70970 to donate £5
70191 to donate £10

*Text donations will be processed and administered by the National Funding Scheme (Charity No: 1149800), operating as DONATE. Texts will be charged at your standard network rate. For Terms & Conditions, see www.easydonate.org