No Stopping Us!

Despite the current crisis, we still continue to 'meet' regularly!

What a time for us all at the moment. A time of uncertainty, unity and the unknown. However through it all, we still have a mission…

– to be alongside children and young people in ways that support them through times of difficulty and distress

…and there is no exception for our Legends Programmes. In the light of the current crisis it’s nice to remember our last physical sessions fondly as we all enjoyed time together, laughing with each other. But fear not, because we know how important these programmes are for our young people and thanks to the world of technology, we are able to continue our vital contact with our groups (and individuals) via various virtual mediums and social media platforms.

Check out what we have been doing and how we intend to keep supporting our young people:

Virtual Groups Online

We are still meeting with our hubs every single week (albeit virtually) sharing in everyday chit-chat, quizzes or games together, mindfulness tasks, and challenges to take away and complete at home too! We are super impressed and proud of how our young people have adapted so well to this, plus we are so happy to be able to see them all still!

Creative Challenges

On our ‘Quarantine Challenges’ playlist on our YouTube channel, we will be posting regular creative challenges. The aim is to give our young people (and adults!) something to get involved with at home. We then share their achievements on our social media pages. Click here to read more about it!

Staying Social

We are also sharing regular posts on our social media pages of numerous activities we can all join in with from workouts, to dance routines, sing alongs and even sign language. Be sure to keep an eye out! And share any ideas you have too!

Top Tips - Pack Out Now!

We have created and shared our first ‘Quarantine Top Tips and Activities’ pack! If you missed it – Click here to view and download it now! And who knows – we may even create a second pack soon!

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Stay in Touch and Check Back Again Soon!

Twitter: @ylfcharity
Instagram: @ylfcharity
LinkedIn: ‘The Young Lives Foundation’
YouTube: ‘The Young Lives Foundation’

And remember, you can always call us or email us, as normal, at any time.
Email if you need a reminder of your leaders mobile number!