Home & Housing Feedback

We recently discussed the theme of Home and Housing at the last Corporate Parenting Board - here's the feedback...

The MCYPC recently met with the Corporate Parenting Board to discuss the theme of ‘Home and Housing’.  We want to thank you for all your responses to the survey and getting involved! We will draw our prize winner very soon!


So some inside news is that we came up with some recommendations that MCYPC took to the corporate parents. Our ‘home and housing checklist’ that you all helped us with had great feedback at the meeting! We just need to fine tune some of the details and hope to put this into action very soon.

Based on your feedback and lots of insightful discussions at the meeting, the following actions were agreed:

  1. Scope out some options to support care leavers with flooring options, maybe potential for decorating vouchers
  2. To advise young people that there will be a housing officer appointed to offer additional support – keep your eyes peeled as we may be invited to be a part of the interview panel!
  3. Corporate parents need to work to scope a process to ensuring how young people can be consistently supported in being ready to move to their new accommodation, including having an induction meeting and viewing the property with the support of their PA or another suitable person

What do you think of these recommendations? Is there something more important we missed?!

Drop us an email at mcypc@ylf.org.uk or inbox us on our socials and let us know your views!

Watch this space for our feedback video from Cllr Iles coming very soon!