CiCC Meet Medway Cabinet Members

CiCC headerThree Medway Children in Care Council (CiCC) reps met with Medway Cabinet Members on Monday 10th February.

One member, Tiff, describes her experience:

"On Monday afternoon, myself and two other members of the Medway CiCC (David and Paddy) attended a meeting with Medway’s Cabinet Members.

We were invited to give a presentation on the Medway Children in Care Council. We started off by sharing some of our most recent achievements and we told everyone how they could help to support us over the coming months and years.

The meeting was chaired by Rodney Chambers – Leader of Medway Council and was attended by Cabinet Members.

I had a really great time, I loved the feeling of speaking to people who are important as they have the power to help give us a voice and reach out to more children and young people in care in Medway."

Tiff, CiCC Member