Volunteers’ Week


This week, YLF is celebrating National Volunteers' Week!

The extended celebrations this year means we will be doing MORE and getting involved in MORE local events!

YLF has invited volunteers to exclusive Cream Tea Evenings across the county to thank them for their dedication and commitment to making a difference to disadvantaged children across Kent.

In addition to thanking our wonderful volunteers, we will also be attending the Thanet Volunteer Fair at Dreamland Margate! The Volunteer Fair will be held in the newly refurbished Ballroom and we are looking forward to showcasing the fantastic work carried our by volunteers. We are sure to see lots of familiar faces but we are also hoping to recruit some new 'heroes'!


On behalf of the YLF team, Trustees and young people we would like to say a MASSIVE thank you to all of our volunteers!

You really are HEROES!

"Without my volunteer, I wouldn't be half the person I am today! Thank you!" Naomi

IMG_7030YLF consider all their volunteers HEROES, therefore will be hosting an Awards Ceremony later this year.

Our HERO AWARDS will celebrate and honour the achievements and tireless endeavours undertaken each and every day by ordinary people in communities across Kent.

Young people who receive support from a YLF volunteer are using Volunteers' Week to nominate their Hero in order to receive a special award!

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In order to recruit new superheroes, the staff team have certainly got into character and become superheroes themselves!! 

Follow YLF on Facebook and Twitter to catch a glimpse of them in action!!