YLF Youngsters Do Masterchef!

Photo0068Young people were put through their creative paces on Thursday 9th May when they took on the role of Masterchefs for the evening at their local youth centre!

With a varied range of ingredients, spices and sauces they decided what and how to cook in a frying pan on a single gas burner camping cooker.

The results were pretty amazing as everything was very edible with the only exception being twice the amount of chilli peppers a Mexican would find uncomfortable! All in all they were impressed with their efforts and remarked how quick and easy it was to prepare tasty food that could be an alternative to a takeaway.

Photo0086Favourites were satay chicken, sweet and sour porkĀ , chilli beef and vegetables in a tomato gravy, chopped bacon and mushroom in a cream sauce and lastly dry fried peppers with prawn mayonnaise.

At least 5 dishes went back for foster carers to sample. We didn't get reports of A&E being swamped so can take this as a thoroughly positive outcome!

John and Greg would've been proud!