Paddy’s Blog | Week 17
30/03/15 | By Paddy...
"I started my week by checking my emails and replying to any I needed to action. I then got on with an action plan for this week. I have been busy doing things like making new files, info packs for meetings, my blog update and I've also made a very good start on the CiCC newsletter.
This week I have also been busy making 50 packs for the Social Worker training on 2nd April. We also had a team meeting and Stephen spoke about the new job roles and contracts. I also set up new mobile phones for the staff of the advocacy service.
I had a meeting with Kent CiCC apprentice and we spoke about different types of activities and meetings both CiCCs do. We also spoke about staying in contact and that we would like to attend each other’s CiCC meetings.
Daniel (CICC member), myself and Stephen went to the University of Kent to train Social Worker students. We all introduced ourselves and gave a briefing on what we do. Dan and I carried out a task with the students to identify what the top ten qualities of a perfect social worker would be. We also showed them our Stigma DVD and answered any questions. The students gave us a spontaneous round of applause which was a good feeling!
The Challengers group was brilliant this week. We went roller skating and it was great to see so many young people helping others who couldn't skate."