Paddy’s Blog | Week 31
06/07/2015 | By Paddy...
"On Monday, Tracey my NVQ assessor emailed me saying that she will be doing a telephone assessment instead of coming to see me. Tracey explained to me that the IV (Internal Verifier) had asked for me detail on some of my work I had done so Tracey asked this over the phone. I also prepared some materials for the stall I am running at Medway Hospital with the LAC Nurse Team on Tuesday.
On Tuesday, I went to Medway Hospital to run the stall. It was to try get people to volunteer or donate to us. The stall was very attractive I thought! I had people come up to me and ask what we do and what service we provide for young people. Although it wasn't extremely busy, we did have some very kind donations.
Wednesday was spent preparing for a Foster Carers Support Group. I made 10 packs up and will be talking about what services YLF provide for looked after children in Medway. I also helped Lisa with some preparations for the Kent county show due to take place at the weekend.
I started later on Thursday as I had the Challengers group that evening. I did a ring around to everyone who said they was coming just to confirm the time and place, also what to wear. The group went snowboarding and we had 10 young people come along.
On Friday I worked from home on my NVQ. The unit I am doing is a very long unit which requires a lot of research and reading."