Paddy’s Blog | Week 28

15/06/2015 | By Paddy...

"This week is all about the CiCC Football Match against Social work Professionals! We are all looking forward to it! On Monday I had a delivery of the CiCC trophies and I went to get a new engraving for the winners cup too.

I had supervision this week to talk about how things are going and what I need to be focusing on more and prioritising. Janine and I then went through a 'to do' list for the rest of this week which was helpful.

In preparation for the CiCC football match this week I have kindly approached staff who are attending to ask them if they was happy with helping out with certain jobs. I also asked Lisa to be the Duty manager for the evening. I then composed a final email stating everyone's jobs and final plans, timings etc for the CiCC football match. Sarah helped guide me with writing the risk assessment for the match - the first time i have ever helped to do one, there's lots to think about! I then also updated the attendees list for the football match.

I have been thinking about starting an online web survey so I sent Janine my ideas. I have also starting blogging my countdown to the Football Match and sharing this via Facebook and Twitter.

Thursday was the day of the Football Match. I headed out with Lucy to get refreshments for the evening and then back at the office I double checked I had everything ready to take. I had to organise who was taking what so I put all of the equipment in three piles for each car they was going in - that's a big enough task in itself! I sent a final tweet before the big game and when we were there everyone helped out by setting up the refreshment stall, the trophy stall and putting banners up. The game was such a success and so many people turned up to support us - I was really pleased with how it went.

On Friday at the office I starting writing up a report from the match last night. We received lots of emails thanking us for doing it and lots of positive feedback. The captain of the social care staff team said, “Thanks to all those involved last night, especially the young people from the Young Lives Foundation who I feel were a credit to the organisation last night in the way they engaged and conducted themselves and should be very proud of themselves”. Already looking forward to next year's game!"