
YLF Legends Programme provides a fun, supportive and safe setting for young people to engage in new, exciting opportunities and experiences.

The Programme

Our Legends Programme provides groups and activities for disadvantaged young people around Kent, meeting at various times and locations.

The programmes are made up of:

Weekly and fortnightly regular groups    Half-term activities    Overnight experiences and camping weekends    Day trips and seasonal trips  ♦  Educational opportunities including ASDAN and Arts awards

Our young people contribute to the design and planning of the programme, enabling them to develop life skills too.

We are currently fundraising for our Legends...!

Find out more about our Adventures Await campaign…


The programme aims to reduce isolation and stop anti-social behaviour within the community. Young people who engage in Legends have the opportunity to:

Have new experiences
Take part in educational opportunities
Learn new skills
Make new friends
Broaden horizons
Build confidence and self esteem

Once you have reached the age of 18 you will graduate from the Legends programme at the official graduation ceremony. You will be given a special goodie bag ready for your next adventure! Although you will no longer be able to attend the groups as a young person you will always be welcome to come back and volunteer!

Our Groups And Hubs

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Medway Hub

Our Medway groups are designed for young people under the care of Medway Council.

Junior Legends

  • for young people aged 7-10 years old
  • activities held in the school holidays
  • activities include theme parks, bowling, trampolining and more

Medway Legends

  • for young people aged 11-15 years old
  • every Thursday in term time from 6-8pm
  • activities include outdoor games, tobogganing or movie nights

Senior Legends

  • for young people aged 16-21 years old
  • fortnightly group on a Tuesday evening
  • activities include cooking, sports or workshops
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Thanet Hub

Our Thanet group is for disadvantaged or socially excluded young people in the Thanet area.

Thanet Legends

  • meet every Monday night from 6.15-8pm
  • is for young people aged 7-17 years
  • is a positive and chilled environment where young people can socialise, play pool or engage in different sports such as football and tennis, learn life skills such as cooking, play computer games or simply have a chat with a mentor
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Sittingbourne Hub

Our Sittingbourne group is for disadvantaged or socially excluded young people in the Swale area.

Sittingbourne Legends

  • meet weekly in term time from 4-6pm
  • is for young people aged 7-17 years old
  • includes various activities including pool, games consoles, arts and crafts, plus so much more. The young people also have the opportunity to talk with a mentor if they wish

Gravesham Hub

Our Gravesend group is for disadvantaged or socially excluded young people in the Gravesham area.

Gravesham Legends

  • meet weekly on Wednesdays in term time 
  • is for young people aged 7-17 years old
  • includes various activities including pool, games consoles, arts and crafts, plus so much more. The young people also have the opportunity to talk with a mentor if they wish
  • online gaming and mentoring sessions available – more info here

Young People's Choir

Our Young People’s Choir is for children in care and care leavers.

The Choir:

  • meet weekly in Medway for rehearsals and social activities
  • is led by a professional vocal coach (voluntary)
  • is an all ability group offering support with emotional well-being, confidence, a support network, and development of new skills

Download Our Leaflets

Legends Leaflet

Legends Postcard

Enquire about joining >>>> HERE

Email us >>>> legends@ylf.org.uk

Find us on social media >>>> @legendsYLF


We would like to thank the Masonic Charitable Foundation, BBC Children in Need and The National Lottery Community Fund for granting us the funds to deliver our Legends Programme.

What People Say

“I have the best time! There’s so many new things I’ve done and what’s nice is I’ve made new friends.” Josh, young person

“I’m so pleased I had the chance to go to go on a residential. Even with a massive fear of water, everyone helped me feel better about doing gorge walking and canoeing – and I did it! I’m so happy!” Ella, young person

“I have anxiety and depression but recently started taking part in groups at the hub, which has given me the opportunity to boost my confidence and meet other people.” Pat, young person

“The groups are awesome and I always look forward to them!” Hannah, young person

What Next?

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Become a Leader

If you can volunteer as a Legends activities leader then we want to hear from you

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Join Legends

Find out how to make an enquiry to join the Legends programme

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Our Blog

Read about our activities and what we have been up to