Thank You – Themes Feedback

Thank you for sharing your views and voices for the theme of ‘Feeling Safe and Cared For’.

We have reached out to you to gather your feedback through our survey under the new theme of ‘Feeling Safe and Cared For’.

We received 27 responses from different ages and out of area young people!

We also held group consultations and spoke with young people about this theme.

Young people got fun and creative and drew pictures in a workshop to express how they felt which we have shared on their behalf.

We were proud to make the consultations inclusive so everyone could contribute, including young people who do not speak English as their first language. We also had discussions and plenty of pizza around this!


Our meeting with the Corporate Parenting Board is at the end of March and the recommendations by the MCYPC on this theme are below:

1. Feeling safe at home was a common issue raised. MCYPC recommend the CPB carry out a piece of work to review the accommodation options available to young people particularly in relation to their ‘safety’ to understand what is on offer to young people and consider what improvements could be made. Young people could support this by compiling a safety checklist of things that are important to them.

2. Care Leavers, particularly those aged 21- 25 who have been ‘signed off ‘ would benefit from the option of attending a support group so they continue to feel cared for.

3. Time with workers, recognising special occasions and feeling respected were all ways young people said they feel cared for.

4. These important areas could be embedded as a priority in the recruitment process, supervision and training of workers so everyone has a shared understanding of the importance of this in their everyday work with young people.

We will keep you updated on the progress and the actions agreed from the meeting. Watch this space… Which Councillor will feedback next?

If you would like more information around the themes and what they are all about please check out our Blog post – Themes Inspired by You!