Football Match
Winning streak for Medway’s young people…
Eden House Consultation
Feedback from our Change Maker Champions who took part in the Eden House consultation
Spring Newsletter
Check out our latest newsletter…
Higher Education
Getting higher in life with higher education…
Time To Shine 2022
It was an absolute honour to host the Time To Shine Awards in partnership with Medway Council.
Home & Housing Feedback
We recently discussed the theme of Home and Housing at the last Corporate Parenting Board – here’s the feedback…
Theme – Feeling Safe
Here is our latest feedback video on the Theme: Feeling Safe and Cared For
Jubilee Celebrations
The MCYPC celebrated The Queen’s Jubilee true party style…
Theme Feedback – Health & Support
We reached out to gather feedback under the new theme of ‘Health & Support’…
MCYPC’s Easter
During the Easter half term our MCYPC had chance to let of some steam and treat themselves!